HBTC Available on Uniswap(V2) Officially!
We are thrilled to announce that HBTC is available on the decentralized Uniswap(V2) officially! Now, you can easily trade HBTC (Pair: HBTC-WBTC) directly on Uniswap (https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap).
Guide for Beginners:
The HBTC pool mining or trading on Uniswap(V2) requires the WEB3 wallet. Today, we will use the Metamask wallet to demonstrate. If you have not installed the Metamask wallet, please click here: https://metamask.io/ to complete installation first; if you have already installed Metamask, please go directly to the following steps, thank you.
Step 2
Please open a browser on your computer(Chrome is recommended) and enter Uniswap through the link: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap
Step 3
Click “Connect Wallet”, and Select Metamask Wallet to connect your Metamask account with Uniswap(V2).
Step 4
Once connected, click “Swap” on Uniswap and select HBTC-WBTC pair.
Warm Warnings:
Please do make sure there are ETH balances in your account. Otherwise, you will not be able to pay Gas fees.
About HBTC
HBTC is the ERC20 token 100% backed by BTC, and it can be exchanged 1:1 with BTC at any time. While maintaining the equivalent value as Bitcoin, it also features the flexibility of Ethereum.
Users can mint HBTC at Huobi Global, Korea, as well as wallets like Bitpie, and Mykey. The minting fee is as low as 0.00005 BTC (approximately 0.56 dollar). The market value of HBTC is currently 33 million dollars.
HBTC Official Website: https://www.hbtc.finance/en-us/.